marți, 8 mai 2012
Natalia de Lemeny Makedonova: What Actually is Eternity
From youth on we are guided by our environment to improve in any way we can. And every person tries to do this to a greater or lesser degree. He enhances his body with hygiene, exercise, nutrition and with clothing too. He fashions a comfortable home and surrounds himself with nice and durable objects. Perfection and beauty he also transfers into the sphere of the soul. He tries to improve his character and abilities, he fights negative traits, adapts to ethical rules and educates himself. If, concurrently with the effort for perfection he fulfills his desires - to acquire status, property and family - he becomes a popular and successful member of society.
Shortly before death, and sometimes even sooner, during his life, this satisfied person realizes that his satisfaction and harmony are only on the surface, they are only apparent. Inside there is an unconscious fear, anxiety, sometimes even sorrow that everything that he has worked for all his life he must lose one day. His anguish is well founded. By improving his body and soul he has only developed the coverings of the spirit, which really will perish. In the majority of cases this successful person had no time to gain the knowledge that the death he fears can be influenced by his own actions. That’s why he assumes that there is nothing more to be done but to reconcile with the final exit and to not think about it. And so he avoids solitude and quiet moments all his life, because that’s when these suppressed feelings come out and demand an answer to the question: “What purpose is there to improvement, when all will pass eventually anyway? “ Because he does not find a satisfactory answer, he pushes these unpleasant feelings aside as something unnecessary, disturbing. He drowns them in work, entertainment, by watching television, doing sports or anything else to avoid being left alone with them, to forget them.
In a quiet moment there comes a desire from his subconscious to live as long as he can, even forever, but he chases it away with the logical argument that something like that is not possible. This contradiction suffocates and torments him. His inner self longs for eternity but his “educated” intellect tells him the opposite: “Eternity does not exist, only extinction. So live it up as long as you can.” And so he wastes his free time by living it up instead of seeking the response to the question where this desire for eternity comes from. He does not know that it stems from his spirit, which he does not want to bring to life, because he does not believe that it exists.
When you ask such a person why he was born, he will tell you - so that he is satisfied, or that it was the wish of his parents. He does not fathom that he himself wanted it and that they only helped him to realize his wish on Earth.
Almost all of us are influenced by some opinion about life after death, although we are hardly aware of it. Either we think that nothing exists after death or that the soul goes to heaven or hell. Some people believe that they live more than once, but do not know when the repeated lives come to an end.
What actually is eternity, eternal life? Modern man would like to know all the reasons and connections to be able to believe, or to be convinced. Heaven, hell and purgatory are idioms which do not really tell him anything, although they figuratively express eternity. But there is no clear explanation given about eternity and so justifiable doubts and distrust in this regard occur. How can eternity be explained? In the same way as we explain all spiritual processes and terms - with the help of Eternal Laws. The greatest impediment to understanding eternity is ignoring repeated lives on Earth.
The belief in only one life is a clear example of an injustice which cannot be in accordance with God’s Perfection.
Let’s just look at one extreme case. How can a mentally handicapped person reach perfection if he only has one life in which he is not able to comprehend or do anything? Why then was he or she born? If we could choose only one life to improve in no one would choose a life like that. If God was doing the selection, we would feel disappointed and injured to have been given such a life. We would be tormented by the difficult question: “Why do I have to be like this?” Every event has its cause, and knowing about it is the root of knowledge. Although the cause is not known to man he feels that it exists. That’s why he asks the question. In this case, the answer lies in some previous life in which the person concerned “failed”. We know already that we all were given equally in the beginning.
Let’s return to the time when man started to live his first life. We know that he did not inherit the spirit from his parents, but that it comes from the radiation of the Creator. In the form of precipitation the radiation rolled down from the top and various worlds and germs have formed from it.
To develop, the spirit-germ of man needs to get the furthest away from the Light, into the coldest and lowest part of the Creation - into the Material Universe, which was created specifically for the spirit-germ for this purpose.
From the Divine Realm, the spirit-germ rolls to the Spiritual Realm still being unconscious of itself. From there, according to the Law of Motion, it sinks, not being aware of itself yet, through the Animistic Realm. Here it obtains two coverings that assist him to awake to conscious life. From one covering a flower develops, which protects him from external influences, from the other covering a child is formed - the soul. The child-shaped soul matures in higher Ethereal Worlds under the loving care of female beings. In the lower levels of the Ethereal World it also comes into contact with male caregivers and teachers. In every level the spirit-germ covers itself with a homogeneous cloak, and that’s why, in reality, the human soul has many more coverings than were mentioned in the beginning. The spirit-germ needs to develop all of them into a human form so they fit into each other. In the first phase of the development of the spirit-germ the soul is created in a human form.
It matures into adulthood by transiting Gross Material Worlds, where it obtains thicker and heavier coverings. When it reaches the lowest planet in the World of Matter - the Earth, which is the most dense and the heaviest, an important and decisive turn occurs in the development of the spirit. It receives the thickest covering - the material body, and becomes a human being. As a gift he receives many lives which provide him with enough time and many possibilities to improve his spirit.
The spirit-germ that developed only a little up to that time begins to awaken and grow in the material body under the hard knocks of life. Man must fight to survive the climate, nature and its creatures, diseases and other dangers. The development of his spirit is also influenced by mental impulses - the development of speech as well as by conflicts with people, fatal blows, the struggle with Darkness, etc.
Through several lives the initially small spirit-germ grows into a human form and gradually fills the whole soul and body.
After each earthly death the spirit in the form of a soul waits for the next incarnation in the Astral where, owing to the Law of Motion, it continues in its development.
The soul returns to Earth, into the material body, until it develops its spirit-germ into an independent spiritual personality which controls the soul and body. This can only be achieved when man realizes that he has a spirit as well. As long as he does not know this, he only lives a physical and mental life, i.e., predominantly for earthly needs and worries, and cannot, or has no time to, sufficiently develop his spirit. Time for this development is limited, not endless. The Earth is the most important place in the Universe, as here the decision is made about the further existence or perishing of the spirit. There are only two possibilities:
Either it returns into the Spiritual Realm after concluding spiritual development as an eternal spiritual personality,
or, on Earth, during Judgement, it perishes, being incapable of further spiritual development.
The material body therefore is the most difficult test for the spirit. Either man develops his spirit to such a degree that it will control the soul or he lets himself be controlled by the body and soul by neglecting the spirit. Today we stand on the brink of this period.
As man so the Earth also has its spirit, which needs to mature within a specific period. During its development the Earth gradually loses its material covers on the path of disintegration. He who did not develop his spirit on Earth on time does not have a place to finish his development. With the disintegration of the Gross Material World the Ethereal World also ceases to exist.
Let us go back to the man who was able to develop his spirit from a tiny germ into the conscious spiritual personality, which filled his whole soul and body, before the disintegration of the planet. He succeeded in reaching his goal and the purpose of his lives - his spirit-germ became an eternal personality capable of living without the body and soul.
He departs into a homogeneous environment - into the Spiritual Realm. By travelling through higher Worlds of Matter he gradually rids himself of the coverings which he developed when coming down. This process further improves other abilities of the spirit because on Earth he did not have the opportunity to express and activate them all. By improving, the spirit becomes more and more radiant and luminous and the finer and ever finer coverings of the soul are being burned automatically. After the spirit travelled through all Gross Material Worlds, it transits all Ethereal Worlds in a similar manner - as a conscious personality, which comes back home, after a long journey around the world, enriched by many experiences and knowledge. This leaves a mark of uniqueness on the personality.
In the time of Judgement in which we presently find ourselves, the Ethereal World is disappearing and that’s why the spirit-germ has to be developed to such a degree that it is able to ascend, “fly” up to the Spiritual Realm after death.
After stepping over the threshold of the Spiritual Realm the spirit continues on the journey through several levels until, according to the Law of Homogeneity, it stops at a certain place where it “settles”, feeling at home. It becomes a welcome member of the new world, where only perfection rules. Here, like on Earth, the spirit loves, but much deeper and with more feeling than on Earth, and without the need for physical contact, as its love stems directly from the perfectly developed spirit. The bliss of spiritual love cannot be imagined by earthly man, as he is limited by his body, soul and the spirit that is not sufficiently developed yet. Even in the Spiritual Realm very close and also loose relationships exist. Laughter and joy are natural means of communication. Work is not a duty, and it is not paid. Everyone does that for which he is best suited and what brings him joy. That’s why everyone likes what he is doing and does it well.
If all processes connected with the development of the spirit did not come about automatically, according to Eternal Laws, where no possibility of cheating the laws or preferential treatment exists, a not so pure spirit could slip into the spiritual worlds and create chaos and imperfection, as happens in the Material Worlds. That’s why Eternal Laws work accurately and with a merciless justice. It is the safety guarantee of spiritual worlds.
At the end of each earthly life the spirit of every man goes through a form of judgement.
In the presence of his Guardian Spirit, which after death is visible either as a light or a radiant being, a “film” of his life is projected in front of him in picture form. Once more he experiences all those happenings and events which were important from the standpoint of his spiritual development. At the same time, he sees their consequences for other people - joy, help, but also suffering and diseases, or death, etc. He is confronted mainly with those problems which he was not able or did not want to acknowledge or accept objectively during his life on Earth. During this judgement the spirit of man gains a complex understanding of his previous life, as he sees the purpose and consequences of his motives and deeds. Everyone seeing this regrets his faults and, with a feeling of a deserved “reward” or “punishment” leaves for either the Astral or higher into the Ethereal World, where the threads of the Elemental Beings lead him. There development continues depending on the reciprocal actions - either in expiating of guilt or with further improvement and education.
The decision about a new incarnation is reached by a more advanced spirit on his own, but with the help of higher spirits, who will attune him to the fates of his future parents. A less mature spirit is subject to the decisions the higher spirits made for him. With every incarnation the soul again covers itself with the physical body and, as a result, forgets the tasks to be fulfilled and the mistakes and wrongdoings. When man on Earth improves only superficially, merely on the level of the body and soul under the only ruler - the intellect, he will forget all intentions and tasks which he decided on in the beyond. The neglected spirit cannot, due to the Law of Homogeneity, remember them.
Despite this, many of the tasks are still fulfilled but only because higher spirits give reminders - via suggestions, dreams, accidents or unexpected situations. If there is no reaction to these, they will remind him with stronger means, in the form of fatal blows and events. Even though it is often difficult and stressful, in the final result it will bring profit as he will awake spiritually, and will advance, even if only partially. Some people will understand the benefit still during their lifetime, others only after death.
Parents could offer great assistance in the development of the spirit if they gave their child enough attention, love and consistency. The spirit of the child would remember more easily, and at the right time, the tasks to fulfil, and would not make unnecessary mistakes in life. But, if the majority of parents only develop their transient coverings, i.e., the body and soul, how can they develop the spirit of their children? Only homogeneity can unite and help each other. But we already know that evil serves also good if a person uses it correctly. So, if someone carries a strong desire for spiritual improvement, he will not fail to achieve his goal, even if the help which he has received for this purpose has failed. The disinterest and superficiality of parents will create mental traumas and shocks for a child, but precisely this can bring about spiritual awakening and support growth.
Negative feelings such as injustice, hate or revenge are a mental burden and impede development, while forgiveness and a positive attitude lift spiritually towards help from above. The lonely warrior, who never gives up, at last overcomes his own weakness. As he had to exert more effort than he should have, he saved himself the repentance of other guilt. Higher spirits know everything about everyone and no one will be short-changed at the reckoning. If a person fulfills all his life’s goals even without helpers - parents, it does not mean that the helpers - parents are released from the consequences of their failure. Eternal Laws function justly and consistently.
A long life is a gift, since man has more opportunities and more time to atone for guilt and to carry out his tasks. But that does not mean that an early death is a punishment. For one person it can be the end of suffering and the transit into a better world, for another it can mean karmic retaliation. For someone else a premature death can be merciful, if he does not travel on the right path and, instead of progressing, he sinks. So as not to burden himself with karma again, death takes away the possibility of more mistakes being made if he did not cause the decline through his own wrongdoing.
Only a person who fulfills his life’s tasks can be balanced in life. That gives him a feeling of purpose even if, sometimes, he is struck by fate more than others. Those who devote all their time on Earth to work and entertainment or improving their body and soul, i.e., the transient coverings, will not remember their spiritual tasks, and become an easy prey of the dark ones. They will lead them away from the possibility of eternal life. That’s why not every spirit becomes eternal. The most important role hereby is played by the free will of man, which decides whether he wants to step up, be luminous and live forever, or whether to sink down, be a dark spirit and live only a few lives on Earth.
When the planet reaches the path of disintegration, it manifests itself in many places as the destruction of matter in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc. Man should devote more effort to spiritual growth, as there is not much time left. The neglected, weak, and insufficiently developed spirit will not be able, after death, in the time of Judgement, to escape to higher spheres. It will become part of the disintegration of matter, because the Astral and the whole of the Ethereal World, not just the earthly one, will perish. It will have to painfully experience the loss of the material and soul coverings as the spirit will stay chained to the body - it has nowhere to go. The disintegration of body and soul is connected with the projection of “films” of all individual lives and it lasts about a thousand earthly years. The partially developed spirit loses consciousness due to terrible pain and torment, and gradually dies, until it stops existing as a living spiritual being. It finally shrinks into the original form of the unconscious germ which, according to the Laws of Gravity and Homogeneity, rises to the place of its origin - into the Spiritual Realm, where it unites with the unconscious spiritual precipitation. The ruling spirits will erase it from the Book of Life, as the personality did not finish its promising development on Earth and ceased to exist.
Real extinction however does not exist, what happens is separation. Due to the Law of Homogeneity, the living spirit separates from inorganic matter. If the spirit did not finish its development, it disintegrates with matter into the original basic elements. But the live, well developed spirit, a whole personality, will quickly get rid of its material coverings and ascend to the higher levels, into the Spiritual Realm.
The spirit’s Last Judgement takes place on Earth, as the Earth is the lowest and coarsest of the living planets. Beneath it are merely planets which are disintegrating, they are heavier and almost dead. Those spirits that are not able to rise into the Spiritual Realm in the time of Judgement, when the Ethereal World will have perished, can finish their development on these lower planets, but it will be much more difficult. People and spirits who have heavy karmic guilt towards their fellow men, as well as fallen Angels, will be prohibited from entering the low planets. Since the Astral and the Ethereal World will have expired, they will have to remain in the vicinity of the Earth, and will be part of the thousand years of disintegration. This is the real goal of the Judgement - to destroy the incorrigible dark ones, so they can no longer harm mankind because they had enough lives in which they could have changed.
He who will pass this most difficult test in the World of Matter need not be afraid of failure, as the path back to the Spiritual Realm is easier, the obstacles smaller than they were on Earth. It is a joyful return home.
During the natural disintegration of a planet, which happens gradually in a long process, the spirits, after concluding their development leave the planet first, then nature dies away, and at last matter disintegrates. But, due to sinking unnaturally, our planet started to disintegrate prematurely. An abundance of life, which did not have time to finish its development still remains on the planet and so during disintegration there is loss and suffering of many innocent creatures - people, animals and plants. The Earth is in a similar situation to a man who, in middle age, full of creative strength, was attacked by dangerous micro-organisms and is threatened by a terminal illness. Dark spirits, like parasites, attack the Earth and try to destroy it along with all that lives on it.
The disintegration of the planet is also noticeable on people, on their bodies, as a diminished resistance to disease and on their soul through distorted values, as well as in their activities.
A further result is visible in the economy as several crises: in one part of the world there is overabundance of money and material goods, in another part there is a lack thereof. Despite an effort to create a balance, no equalization happens as the dark ones are preventing it. People who cheat get rich and those who work honestly have to pay for them. Most successful are those areas of industry which are not at all useful for the spiritual development of mankind, but merely tie up great financial wealth. They support disintegration, although the general opinion claims the opposite to be the truth, i.e., that without them normal life could not exist.
Let’s contemplate what further development can there be for a person who stopped doing even the simplest calculations in his head or on paper and leaves everything to the electric calculator or computer. How can memory or mathematical and logical abilities develop if they are not being used at all? Without his artificial tools man is not able to work, plan or think. And that is the aim. Why should people think for themselves? To find out that they are hurtling into destruction, that they became the victims of black magic in a cloak of modernity?
Mass media dictates what a person is supposed to do, what is proper, healthy or useful. Because the media is dependent on money, it is not controlled by creative people but by the people who pay them. And they have only earthly goals in mind - the return and enlargement of their investment. They determine what should be offered to people, how they should educate themselves or how they should be entertained. The media are becoming advertising agencies rather than institutions providing objective information. If someone is able to “smuggle” into a programmme something of a spiritual and enriching nature, it is curtailed to such an extent that the result will bring more misunderstanding and harm than good.
He who has kept a certain spiritual independence has realized that advancements in the electronics industry have created, apart from stress, even more chaos and problems in our lives than before. And its advocates promised simplification and more clarity for all work and life. The introduction of electronics has simplified simple things, but important and complex ones have been made even more complex and obscure. That’s why a lack of time, chaos and bureaucracy have become a symbol of the computer era. Hours spent daily at the TV or computer leave less time for other - spiritual - development.
Modern man is always complaining about the lack of time but he does not think about the fact that he has more time than he had before, he just is not able to allot and use it properly.
Let’s have a closer look at how disintegration influences social relationships. Every one of us has been through so many disappointments, misunderstandings and upsets that we no longer believe anyone - not even the one who really could help. Mistrust and the resulting misunderstandings and malevolence accompany every area of human relationships. We lost the natural ability of intuitive perception, as even if we built on it, we thought it misled us, only to discover later that it was not the intuitive perception that misled us but the intellect. Sometimes a luminous spirit leads us, other times a dark one, but both express themselves almost in the same way. How are we to distinguish who is giving advice? We are not able to see what is the truth and what is a lie. Unfortunately, the majority of us live with the blissful assumption that we can distinguish between them.
In politics, the continuing decline manifests itself in the dissatisfaction with every leading politician. This is widespread all over the world. Political parties are riddled with infighting, confusion and mistakes brought about by the dark ones, but blamed on innocents. The goal of the dark ones is to remove the capable people from their positions and replace them with dark ones, who will lead people with false promises into crises, wars and death.
In the time of Judgement people behave like a faulty clock, which functions, but shows incorrect time. Man thinks that if he is busy all the time he is useful and a valuable member of the society. He has no time to consider his life and distinguish between things. Many people do not even realize that they are distorted. They live only to survive. Normality is measured by the majority, because it is the majority that lives in a similar manner - for today only.
The Law of Homogeneity merely confirms that as the Earth disintegrates all that is on it also has to change, decline. Only what is not homogeneous with matter - and that is the spirit, can avoid this process. The spirit cannot be touched by the disintegration of matter as long as it is sufficiently developed and alive. Only when it sleeps and is not conscious of itself, can it be a victim of matter, as then matter will overrule the spirit.
Whoever still senses the chaos and reasons for the disintegration around him is then not a part of it, is above it. He still has a chance to escape, to distance himself from the disintegrating mass of the majority of people, who do not perceive this process, as they have become part of it already. The spirit which, due to its size, has filled the whole soul and body spiritualises people so much, that they become immune to the initial stages of the disintegration. That’s why these individuals are still relatively mentally and physically healthy and spiritually perceptive. They see and feel what the others do not even suspect.
The sharpening of the contrasts of good and evil during the time of disintegration is a natural phenomenon of separating spirits into people either spiritual or material. Either the injustice, deficiencies, suffering and evil bring them onto the side of Light, i.e., eternal life, or it will pull them down into the Darkness, destruction.
For those who are trying to develop their spirit and who did not succumb to Lucifer’s lures the Tempter has more traps ready - spiritual teachers, clairvoyants, healers and educated magicians. Their magical abilities are supposed to be the most convincing proof of the spiritual “progress” of mankind. No one realizes that their public performances and the superficial combining of individual parts of the Truth are just a pretense, which is to confuse those who have so far not been misled. The luminous exceptions work along the same lines so that the only key to distinguish between them is the inner purity of a person.
How did Darkness penetrate religions and spiritual teachings when their adherents want only good and to learn nothing but the pure Truth? In a homogeneous manner - through superficiality and lies. Because many of those who call themselves deeply religious or highly spiritual and who are supposedly merely seeking the Truth are that way only in church or when reading spiritual literature. They really keep their ideals as ideals only, they do not apply them in daily life. They only value them with other people, as they are not able to fulfill them themselves. In reality they are schizophrenics who regard the book as one and life as something else. This superficiality, lies and pretense will come back to them through the Law of Reciprocal Action, in that they will also be lied to. They either let themselves be misled onto the wrong path, or they are constantly under the influence of the dark ones, who manipulate and deceive them in the same way as they deceive others.
Which religion or spiritual teaching is the true one? How does one recognize what is the truth and what a lie, when they are interwoven everywhere, just in a different proportion? Unfortunately, in the time of disintegration the device with which the Truth was always measured - man, has also been broken. Hardly anyone can intuitively perceive or judge correctly anymore. Even if you show people the purest Truth directly from God, and you clearly and consistently explain it, the majority will still not understand it and will doubt it. The Law of Homogeneity prevents it from being received generally as, in order to recognize, understand, and practice pure Truth, the person himself has to be sufficiently pure and truthful. But people today are distorted by various dogmas and intellectual speculations. It is difficult to accept something which is beyond the present day attitude because everything is compared to that.
A dishonest and insincere person will never become a friend of a sincere and truthful person, even if both would want it. The Law of Homogeneity will eliminate this possibility. Only if one of them becomes the way the other one is, can they be equal friends. The same applies when distinguishing the Truth. A distorted and insincere person will never recognize and understand that which is straightforward and truthful, as it is foreign to him, not homogeneous.
Everyone will only accept such truth, and will only be able to take as much of it as he himself is straightforward and truthful.
But there are always exceptions. That’s why even this key is not universal. Even a person lacking character, whose deeds are everything but good and just, can understand the real and pure Truth. But his “punishment” is that he is not able to apply it, even with his best will, as Darkness has more power over him than he has over himself. He chained himself to Darkness with impure deeds and motives or inclinations. That’s why the understanding of Truth is superfluous for him and does not save him.
So, in order to distinguish the real teaching from the untruthful, one first has to evaluate himself. He has to admit that he also deceives and cheats, it is not only done by someone else to him. If he realizes, and not merely once but a hundred times, that he lies too, only then will he get rid of his distortion, his impurity and he will become truthful. According to the Law of Homogeneity he will be capable of accepting a purer Truth and apply it as well, as he himself becomes purer.
There is only one Truth, that’s why it weaves through all religions and teachings, apart from certain deviations, which distorted people or dark ones have added.
If people would not have deviated from the right path they would not need so many religions. The number of different religious movements is an expression of spiritual degeneration. Everyone, according to the Law of Homogeneity, will join that religion which is closest to his nature - most homogeneous with him.
The pure Truth is unbelievable, unacceptable and almost insufferable for comfortable, deformed and untrue people. We have seen it in the example of people who personally came into contact with God’s Sons. They were not able to “digest” their purity and truthfulness. Only the purest people, who have not been ruled by the intellect, but by intuitive perception, i.e., the spirit, were able to accept them and their Truth. Hypocrites and people who were too tied to matter and the intellect felt their presence as almost unbearable.
Everyone can only accept as much as he deserves, and as much as he can bear. It is proper and just this way. The Law of Reciprocal Action will reward man for what he is. A good and honest person will stay so, even if others deceive him. That’s why he is able to recognize, accept and apply the Truth, as he himself is the Truth. Such a person does not need to learn as much anymore, he only confirms what he feels inside. He accepts new knowledge without difficulty, as his moderate distortion can be straightened.
He who overlooks obscurities and gaps with closed ears, merely to avoid upsetting himself, is a superficial seeker of Truth. His reward will only be a partial Truth. The universal Truth cannot be accepted by all, as they would all have to be truthful and pure. As they are not, they need such truths which they can take, which are homogenous with them, i.e., more or less distorted. That’s why forceful persuasion is useless, because everyone must want to seek the Truth for himself. He who does not seek it will not accept it, even if it was offered unselfishly and in the interest of his salvation.
We should not mistake telling the truth for divulging everything about one’s inner feelings to anyone who wants to listen. On the contrary, a person’s innermost feelings have to be protected with the feeling of shame, kept private, as something holy, which only belongs to him or her.
Vivian Amis: Need a Miracle? Expect The Unexpected
What all Mystics throughout history have known to be true is that all things are possible to God. Miracles are not really “miracles” they are things that happen unexpectedly. I have witnessed many miracles in my life and in the life of others. What stands out to me is the belief that all things are possible to God.
From healings to money to finding the love of your life….all things are possible. There is no time frame, nor cause, other than the belief working to manifest whatever it is in our life that we desire to experience.
The only time we limit the possibilities are those times we set our self by believing that it is not possible. But why would it not be a possibility? Let’s say you are ill and the doctor says you need an operation, but when you go to the doctor to get your final examination before the operation ever took place and the problem is gone….can’t happen? It happened to me. I had a cyst and the day of my operation it was gone. You should have seen the look on the Doctor’s face. There is not just one possible way to remove an illness…there are thousands.
You think the only way money is going to come to you is through working? What if you could get money in the mail, win the lottery or money just appears out of the blue? It happened to me. I got an extra $100 from the bank but did not notice it until I was at home. I went back to the bank but they said they were not missing any money and refused to take it back. There is not just one way to receive money….there are thousands.
In order to experience a “miracle” you have to be in a mind set of all possibilities. Don’t let your mind lock you into a possibility that does not serve you. …if such a thought enters your mind say to yourself …yes, that is one possibility….smile and go about your ways knowing that you are the witness to God’s creation of perfection. By not locking your mind into a possibility one is open to receive even the unimaginable.
Miracles not only lift us up but are proof of the existence of God. Miracles help us build our faith and are demonstrations of God’s love working in our life.
You have a choice to create your life which you are already doing (consciously or not) or to become a witness to God’s creation….perfection. God sees a bigger picture and knows what you desire before you ask and God also knows what is best for everyone involved.
Lift your eyes, clear your mind and open your heart to receive the unexpected.
GS Virk: Amazing Resounding Eternal - Amazing Is The Eternal Unity Of God
here are many different conceptions of God since the dawn of civilization. It is considered the eternal creator and sustainer of the basis of all walks of life and substance to the universe. The most conceivable God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, the supreme divine power, very subtle, perfectly pure, perfectly motionless and supreme wisdom of God.
Human population in the world is estimated at 660 million. The majority believe in it, have a different perception with a different faith. It is estimated that 32% of people believe in his collection with the Christian faith. 19% of people believe in its perception towards the Islamic faith. 13% of people believe in its perception towards the Hindu faith. 6% of people believe in its perception by means of faith, Buddhism. 12% of people believe in its perception not of God. Remaining 18% of people believe in many small sects of faith.
The unity of God is not only perceived differently in different religious groups, it has different names in different languages. Amazing is eternal unity of God, his name and perceptions and where it exists.
Some people perceive it is the giver of life, others see that it is very close. Some perceive it is inside me, others see it as very decorative life. Many arguments for and against the existence of God has continued to be proposed and rejected by the different styles of human civilization.
For me, amazing is the human mind which way to God. Amazing is the pure consciousness which is the house of God. Surprising is the eternal ring, which houses the eternal God. There are a lot of subtlety to his singing and drums and subtle formless infinite number of players in his subtle musical serenity. There are patterns of subtle music of Lord of highly respected and care about all living beings and the existence in the universe without end.
Here, the central elements of air, water, heat and many things are playing tremendous latent energy. The monarch of the spiritual center of faith is the song without thinking too much. The system hidden in the solar system of the universe is too loud, without thinking. The lord of karma is the song, while revising the wording of subliminal impressions and considering the seeds of karma and the karma of the infinite types of physical life.
Here, the seed of the physical life of the four original sources - egg, placenta, moisture and seed singing without thought. Here, the systems center of the continents of the environment has always supported the event from all areas, is playing with his tremendous latent energy.
Those who are in deep love for the Lord in a pure conscience, take the pulse of the eternal ring, while forgetting their faith in their right mind. Amazing resounding eternal arises in deep meditation on the eternal unity of God. What is loved by Him in eternal ringing, it is performed by all types and forms of life in all spheres shirts. I feel blessing, bowing before him.
Grace Koh: The Higher Consciousness Being
The old is giving way to the new. In other words, the disintegration of our social structures is not the product of a pathology, but the profoundly positive consequences of humanity shifting from an intellectually oriented mode of evolution through the exploration of the physical world to a heart centered mode of evolution through responsible choice with the assistance and guidance of non-physical Teachers – through the pursuit of authentic power.”
Gary Zukav
With everything around us in a state of flux, natural laws dictate that we cannot escape without going through some form of change, too. Since we are evolving into higher consciousness beings, our mental and physical beings will be affected in tandem as well. All of nature seeks equilibrium, and if a system of energetic vibrations undergoes a shift, then it follows that the other “parts” will also shift in their own way until a balance is achieved.
In summary, this is what I mean. We are undergoing an evolution. It begins at the spiritual energetic level through an ascending vibrational frequency. When this shift in energy occurs, the equilibrium between the spiritual, physical and mental becomes unbalanced, so there will be a natural tendency for the other two to also undergo their own shift in order to accommodate the vibrational change until a state of harmony is reached.
So what does it mean to be a higher consciousness being?
While I emphasise that our personal journey remains very much a unique path, there are of course general attributes which constitute the model of a higher consciousness being. The basic fundamentals are greater awareness and clarity of what Life truly is.
We will gradually start to view the world around us differently. There will be a sense of connectedness which springs from within for what we see around us. We will realise that there really is no need to have dominion over Earth or any living creature. We will lose the interest to conquer, tame, rule, domesticate, control or colonise. We will understand that Earth or any “paradise” on it belongs to no one, and we cannot claim sovereignty over any part of it. We will finally come to a greater awareness that all we have is stewardship, not ownership, over Earth and other creatures.
We will see beyond social impositions and expectations. As we walk away from these external blueprints, we will inch closer and closer to our core essence, which requires no blueprints because it has always been there – intact, whole, divine, perfect. We will lose our need to be “someone else” just to comply with social benchmarks, and instead feel the need to become our True Self just because it is the authentic expression of our Soul. This will lead to the dissolving of our incessant craving for approval and validation from the outside world. This in turn will result in an inner sense of peace which emanates from within and permeates outwards. We will be at peace with who we truly are.
We will understand that separation will only serve to perpetuate the misery which is prevalent in the world. The mentality of “us” and “them” cannot bring us to a place of love. Only when we come to a conviction that no one, no race, no religion, no country is really more superior than another can we finally see love in diversity. We will no longer believe in the need to destroy, battle, convert or suppress another in our bid to homogenise our world.
We will recognise the futility of seeking drama in our lives. For far too long, humanity lived in a state of spiritual wilderness, having lost our connection to our Divinity, our Source. We misplaced our reverence in some far-away realm, reachable only through a specific set of doctrines and rituals. This led to the feeling that we had been “cut off” in some way – the result was that we began to live spiritually empty lives which in turn made us believe that we were dying some sort of death. In order to feel “alive”, we allowed ourselves to create one drama after another in our lives. Living through drama, no matter how bad it was, was preferable to a life devoid of drama. Drama made us feel that we exist, and gave us a sense of identity and a place in the world. Once we re-connect to our Divinity or Higher Self, we will re-establish the spiritual abundance which will fill our lives, rendering the need for drama virtually unnecessary.
We will begin to be responsible over our own actions. We will appreciate the fact that everything we do has a consequence, and therefore claim responsibility over every action that stems from us. This will bring about greater awareness of the world around us, and we will welcome our growing ability to become more sensitive to the people and situations in our lives. We will move from a place of self-centredness to a place of self-awareness; the former makes our world very small, the latter enlarges our world considerably. Our choices will automatically be responsible ones.
We will commence our transformation from a five-sensory human into a multi-sensory human, as explained by spiritual teacher and best-selling author Gary Zukav. We will no longer limit our life experiences through just the five sense – we will empower ourselves and open up to experience life in all its richness, activating and employing the full range of sensory perceptions that were previously dormant or unavailable. We will then be able to see beyond the illusions of the outer world and begin to create anew, this time from a place of wisdom deep within us. And then, namaste will not just be a mere greeting…it will be a truth that is deeply felt, understood and assimilated. We will finally begin to see with Divine eyes and learn to recognise that same Source-Divinity in each of us.
And Life will look simply beautiful.
Heidi Sawyer: The Energy of 2011 and How It Is Affecting Your Life
Firstly, decide on your key areas. What’s important to you right now: your health; your wealth; your happiness? Pick out the key area that will help trigger all other areas to fall into place. In my experience of giving readings and direction to people through psychic consultations, health is the surprise key area to trigger all else into place.
So, what do you decide on? You can start by defining your goals. For instance, if you want to adjust your weight or body image, ask yourself the following questions:
What size do you want to be? What would make you happy? Make this realistic rather than optimistic. Over the last twelve months I have seen people transform their self image not by obsessing over their weight but by deciding how they want to feel about themselves.
What would make you feel proud when you look in the mirror? If that is what weight you are, how many dress sizes smaller would make you feel better? Does it affect your self image enough to affect relationships? If the answer is ‘yes’ then your priority should be to adjust your weight to the point where you feel more confident in yourself. Naturally, therefore, you will feel more comfortable about attracting a partner.
So, what is your preferred size? When you think about the question, notice how you feel. Do you experience an ‘up’ feeling or a ‘down’ feeling? An ‘up’ feeling in the solar plexus is a positive response. This means you are happy at more than a conscious level to create that self image. A ‘down’ feeling suggests you’re not confident that you can achieve what you have set your mind to.
If you do get a ‘down’ feeling when you ask yourself what size you would like to be, then your 2011 priority needs to be the subject of relationships. It is likely that you are using an aspect of weight as a way of hiding from relationships.
It is my firm belief through years of experience that the key to successful relationships arises from firstly a love affair with the self. If you’re cringing at this option then your 2011 key goal definitely needs to include relationships.
If you’re single, ask yourself ‘What type of person do I want to meet?’ Is it someone with self-esteem who looks after their wellbeing, a person of integrity who knows what they want from life? Is it someone you can trust, who doesn’t play emotional games and is confident?
Over the years I have seen the best relationships emerge from those people who are willing to work on themselves and become the person they want to meet. Then, they find the right person for them.
If you’re already in a relationship and it’s not working to the level you would like, then ask yourself:
Is the person I am currently with the person who reflects the qualities I would like in a person?
What do you need to change about yourself in order to reflect the person you want to meet?
If you ask yourself these two questions, often the person you are currently with (if they are right for you or a soul mate) will magically transform without any interference from you. People who continue to compromise their integrity become disillusioned and give up. They say they don’t want a relationship but scratch the surface, the fact is they do want a relationship.
So, if you want a successful relationship, then make 2011 the year you become the person you want to meet. What changes can you make that will help build your inner world? What do you need to acquire the courage to make the changes? What do you want to have done before you leave the physical realm? You can decide your goal for 2011 that will help you achieve all that.
Heidi Sawyer: Psychic Energy - what it is
Every living thing is made up of energy vibrations. Everything has its own ‘energy imprint’ that is called its vibration. These vibrations have rhythmic patterns that move almost constantly, like the swinging of a pendulum. When you start to find yourself developing psychic skills, you are starting to connect to an increasing range of vibrations and your energy field or range begins to expand. During this expansion in the early days, the energy is often all over the place, as you might be unaware of how to settle it. It all becomes a bit scattered and the pendulum can swing too fast, the energy becoming uncontrolled, a common complaint from those new to psychic development. The toaster stops working one morning, the light bulbs blow, even the new ones; the time on the clock keeps changing or it stops.
One lady, I remember, new to psychic development, created an unmanaged energy to the extent her toaster, microwave, light bulbs, stereo and boiler all blew in the same very expensive week! As soon as everything began to steady, a very powerful psychic and healing energy emerged in her.
So, what causes this energy surge and how do you control it? As the ‘pendulum’ of your energy swings, at the top and bottom of the vibrations pattern it has a moment of rest or potential rest, often referred to as the stillpoint. The stillpoint of your pendulum swing matches with the ultimate stillpoint.
The ultimate stillpoint is the original state of all vibrations, the point at which everything meets. At the heart of where everything meets, all vibrations are interconnected and through the centre runs the ultimate stillpoint. By having access to all vibrations, this state has intimate knowledge of them all. A psychic is only ever matching their pendulum stillpoint with the stillpoint of the ‘ultimate pendulum’. In doing so, the psychic then has a wide view.
Those consciously or unconsciously starting to develop their psychic ability are beginning to experience involuntary ‘stillpoint matches’ with the ultimate pendulum. These may show as flashes of uncontrolled intuition and psychic experiences; these can frighten a person, who, without intending to, connects with the ultimate stillpoint – the flash of a relative dying or a car accident. On a positive note, the job promotion or lottery win can be seen before it happens.
Meditation and similar practices in developing psychic ability help create vibrational levels closer to the stillpoint of the ultimate pendulum, where, if you choose: you can make clear connections to help you understand a person’s thinking or behaviour; move yourself towards opportunities; understand dilemmas and make ‘conscious’ decisions. This is a hugely helpful tool for everyday life as well as for those all important situations.
The Force, as Yoga calls it, can be described as a reference to the stillpoint of the ultimate pendulum. If you’re Eastern, you might call this energy Chi; Western you might call it God; a scientist you might call it electromagnetic energy.
Regardless of what you call it, it responds to what comes from within an individual. A strong connection to it comes with a spiritual progression of the self, as a result of an amazing increased confidence, inner knowing, trust of the self and a feeling of safety in the world no matter what life produces.
Swami Aaron: Feel privileged if gloom and sorrow has descended in your life
Super-consciousness is the ultimate destination of mankind:
Feel privileged if gloom and sorrow has descended in your life
You had been living a very good happy life, you had a good business or job, your children had been going to good schools. Your wife was quite happy, passing her time by watching daily soaps, or by extravagant shopping, she had all the jewelry to show off. But, now your business has come to the edge of ruins all of a sudden. Now you find it very difficult to pay school fees of your kids; now you are unable to pay EMI of your bank. Your life has come to a standstill. Agony, tension, depression, sorrow, pain has possessed your life. Has it happened so? If yes, don’t lose your heart, don’t panic at all. You may be a privileged one whom God has chosen to communicate with.
Now analyze your previous life. Though, you were happy, passing a good time. But, life was just happening, or you had been living life with your mastership over it? Did you have time to live your individual life? Did you have space and time that was meant for just you? Had you been living a conscious life or you were just absorbed to live your so called happy life unconsciously? Just think, have an honest introspection and retrospection of it.
If you had been living a totally unconscious life, you had been, then, wasting it; and you would have wasted it completely, had there not been a sudden change in your pattern. God, the nature, the conscious existence wants you live your life profoundly with a profound bliss. Earlier, of course, you were happy, but if was shallow and this was the height of unfortunate that you were not even aware of it. You would have wasted this precious life living unconsciously with shallow pleasure. Your happiness was just hormonal. You were deprived of the profound bliss which this kind existence wants to bestow onto you. God wants you to be profoundly blissful eternally. So, S/he has applied a break on your blindly running vehicle of your life. In fact, earlier you were not living; rather life had been living you. But just because of inertia and delirium you wish to continue in the same rhythm. Remember, inertia is the inherent property of matter. Do you wish to live your life like a matter? No, God does not want you to be just a matter. He has given the glory of consciousness, and you want to waste it? You want to waste his grand scheme for you?
Come out of your deep slumber. Awake, awake, O man, awake. See the beauty of nature, the sun has come to the zenith and moving towards the horizon with its majestic horses of golden rays. Wind is oscillating, birds are chirping, flowers are dancing in its full grace. The whole existence is celebrating its divine pristine beauty. Why are you forced to live a wretched life of a laborers – getting up in the morning, rushing to your jobs and business and getting lost in the crowd? You are the part of the Divine, the Bliss; why will the divine let you keep running blindly in intoxication? No, God wants you to be tremendously happy.
So now, you need to explore the noble divine dimension of your life. The change in your spectrum is not an adversity; rather it is a great opportunity for you. Now forget the worldly affair and discover your real self. So far, you have lived on outer periphery; now go to your core and discover the vast, the source of eternal divine bliss in you. You are privileged that God has taken care of you. God has selected you to aboard his dazzling chariots of consciousness. Have a flight to heaven of divine eternal bliss and beatitude.
Kip Mazuy Attaining Levels of Consciousness
"In outward seeking and desiring
you are always chasing
what is seemingly ahead
of this moment.
You are always
looking to be satisfied
in the future.
So the very experience
of outward seeking
will always be
It cannot be any other way
because satisfaction
is always just ahead of you,
just in front of you.
Like the man on the
donkey cart
holding the carrot
just in front of donkey
so it keeps walking,
no matter how much
the donkey walks
the carrot is always just
out of reach.
So in desire,
there is that constant resistance
to being here;
to seeking the illusion
of what is in front of this moment
for fulfillment.
But if you stop moving
your attention in front
of this moment
and allow it to rest
in this moment,
then the idea
of satisfaction/dissatisfaction
There is only
what is.
And the more
you rest in what is,
the more this moment
opens up
into incredible new dimensions
of reality.
This moment
is the doorway
to infinite levels
of consciousness.
Marlene Buffa: Swatting at Hummingbirds
Born and raised in Michigan, I knew the move to Phoenix would bring profound changes to my life. Accustomed to a lifetime in a state with beautiful lakes and lush landscape, I learned to live with the native insects and wondered about the types of critter-life I’d find in the desert southwest.
The first weekend after my arrival, my new relatives hosted a “welcome to the family” party for me. A bit nervous to meet a house full of new people, I went with excitement and a bit of apprehension to the party. Standing in the backyard, amazed by the “dry heat” in August, I watched in frozen fascination as a flying creature came from nowhere and buzzed my head! I swatted at it with such fervor that I spun myself around, lost balance and fell onto the lawn – in front of my new family! My husband ran over to me and as he helped me get up, asked what happened. “The biggest bee I ever saw just dive-bombed my head, so I tried to swat him away!” He broke out in laughter and pointed to the Hummingbird feeder, “You mean that?” Just then, I realized that swatting at a hummingbird taught me a profound lesson.
Where did it come from?
We can all agree that Hummingbirds are one of nature’s phenomena. Like the bumblebee, its flight abilities mystify even the scientist among us and the color variation and nesting practices enchant us as well. My visiting hummingbird seemed to come from nowhere! I’d never seen a Hummingbird before, much less experienced a near collision with one.
In our lives, many times good things come to us in unexpected ways. Pleasant surprises, happy coincidences and even “dumb luck” impact our well being. As we grow older, we resign to expect negative events and occurrences, and when good things come to us unexpectedly or unknowingly, our spirits soar with delight. Often, we don’t even know the gifts exist, much less do we hold any anticipation of receiving them, consequently we travel through life unprepared to receive the good that comes into our lives “out of the blue.”
What the heck is it?
Spiritual mentors relay a story that the natives on a particular island couldn’t “see” ships arriving at their shores because they didn’t know that sailing vessels existed and had no provision for them in any frame of reference of understanding. Approaching from the horizon, the ships made way to the dry land and the passengers and crew forever changed the lives of the aboriginal people. But it wasn’t until the landing and disembarking that the inhabitants fully grasped the breadth of their naïveté and the impact on their lives.
Often, our innocence endures challenges when both good and bad enters our life. Not aware that such circumstances exist, our first startled response strives to identify it. Like my unknown hummingbird, we don’t recognize beauty if we’ve never experienced it in our lives, or it never appeared in that form to us in the past and we have no awareness of it. Nonetheless, the Universe supplies us with endless encounters of good on a daily basis. We need only acknowledge it when it arrives!
How does it fit in my world?
My new avian friend held no space in my world until it came into my life. Only then did I understand how integral its role in the desert southwest natural habitat. When I grew to appreciate the desert in bloom, I realized the beautiful tiny bird’s contribution to the delicate balance of the life cycle.
When new avenues of good and prosperity enter into our lives, we often wonder how they fit with our current perceptions and understanding of how life works. We try to assimilate the new found circumstance into the bubble of our existence and hope that the rest of our life adjusts accordingly to make room for the greater good. Instead of swatting them away, we can take a closer look at the blessings we receive and integrate them into our lives without forfeiting any other aspects
The Hummingbird symbolizes something new and beautiful entering into our lives. If we’ve never experienced or perceived a type of positive energy flow before, we may not recognize it when it shows up. Our first instinct may be to push it away because its something new and different. Denying a gift from Spirit in whatever form it takes because we can’t accept something we’ve never experienced before results in a shallow life filled with predictable outcomes.
When we can figure out what the new good looks like and means to us, then we can embrace and appreciate the gift and include it in our daily enjoyment. Adding positive elements to our world excludes nothing, but rather makes the flight around the sun that much more enjoyable!
Jyoti Kanojia: Believing in reality
It’s quite simple to believe what we see on a daily basis. But do we actually follow in our life, aren’t our mind tired of conceptualizing things. Since we have born bunch of thoughts and assumptions are accumulated in our mind which we are still not able to get rid of. Where is reality lost?
Reality is believing what you see now in your present moment, it will lost its significance if we think about our past and relate it in a certain way. It should be spontaneous, seeing and knowing it better rather perceiving it in the form of any thought. In order to experience reality we first need to shed our past thoughts which are now deep rooted in our minds. Everything is changing, seasons change, body changes but why not our minds, why can’t we clean the garbage from our minds. Did you ever experience a fresh mind having no old thoughts? Why judging people, making perceptions and naming it as our so called experience in life, why can’t be new learner born every day.
Every person is born with a default talent that is learning, we all are born learners. But we are so much impressed with our day to day learning that we forgot to consider the fact that each n every person in our life is contributing in some way for it we are not. We take pride in giving advice to people but do we really follow them religiously, are we true to ourselves. Face the reality and be stringent on your own principles. We tend to make so many mistakes in life but if someone else does it drives us mad, either we start shouting on the other person or stay cold. At that very moment we never replay the whole incident with ourselves. We always expect a lot from others but never come up to a single expectation when it happens with us. In our whole life we keep impressing others about the things we achieved but life is all about expressing yourself not impressing others, let people think what they want to but be true to yourself. Otherwise after sometime you will not be able to notice you inner self and an artificial dualistic dummy will appear after seeing yourself in mirror. Reality is facing your true self and let others face it too. Now let’s take a closer look how our mind works.
We take bath on a daily basis but did we ever consider about our mind, thoughts are always dwelling in it every moment. Did we ever try to format our mind? We are more likely to cherish our opinions every moment instead of eliminating them from our mind. Either we are thinking about our job, relationships, family and friends or about next moment, our small world which never let us think beyond this. Our mind functions in a weird manner, it’s the accumulation of thoughts and notions which we have gained from our life. If we achieve anything, pride takes over we get so much excited about it that we start overlooking most of the things. If failure knocks our doors, it makes us feel low and soon we try to focus in such a manner that it creates certain kind of pressure on our mind and we lost it again. Then we start blaming on our fate and never try to release our pre-conceived notions, giving our mind full space to perform better without giving any kind of tensions.
Start your day with a new mind having no old judgements about people as if meeting the same person with fresh mind and positive approach. You will find that person new everyday and positive energies start flowing and soon you will find more clarity in your communication too. Follow a small practice, of giving space to your mind, thinking that you are not working for any company, no deadlines, no craving for appreciation and motivation, not even money and let go everything in life except the piece of work you are doing. You will get tremendous amount of satisfaction and your mind will give 100% because at that time the only thing coming to your mind is your work. Sometimes our desires spoil all the fun, so just need to keep a tab on it.
Unfold yourself and work in peace, creativity will flow automatically. If we know how our mind works, then it would be easier to control our thoughts and face the reality with a new start. After doing this exercise your horizon gets widened and you can see things with more clarity, as most of the time we get stuck in our daily routines so much that our connection with reality becomes almost negligible. Let’s revive ourselves and born everyday to see reality and not only experience it but thinking in a wiser manner, believing and then conceiving it.
Nataliia Severska: Dream… it’s a Song of Everlasting Creator in your Heart
True Force comes from the Heart… right from where your Dream resides!!
Dre-e-am… what on Earth is that?
Dream is the Song of Everlasting Creator in your Heart.
All genius and Masters, who is noted in history and well-known by the entire world, whose Force is acknowledged with admiration by millions and millions of beings – they all had been making efforts to accomplish their Dream. Efforts of all the 1000 percents – not less than one THOUSAND… and even more!!!
Without DREAM the meaning of your life is forever lost , faded away…. Is burned out to ashes by the grey sadness of another meaningless death.
Something you’re going to die for, but not to betray yourself! DREAM! Ever ! Because betraying the Dream equals dying in a body that’s still Alive, when the heart runs empty, there are no more sparkles in the eyes, and hands hang loose.
You can’t overestimate the FLAMING HEART of a being who is breathing with Dream every moment!
Dream is something that creates meaning for every exhalation and inhalation. Is your life still filled with pressure and grief? Depression and pain? Where is your Dream? What were you dreaming of as a child? What kind of magic has Your Heart been filled with?
True Force comes from the Heart… right from where your Dream resides!!
…, when you’re faced with a choice to either betray your Dream, to do something that goes against the CALL OF YOUR HEART… THE SONG OF ETERNITY in YOU, or to die… you choose death with a smile, because your DREAM doesn’t die in you – it brings you into a new LIFE!
The Dream is always, you see, ALWAYS beyond possibilities for ordinary people… it doesn’t matter what it is, but that’s the ETERNITY singing in Your* Heart about the Endlessness of Life, about the Boundlessness of the possibilities – about the FORCE that lets you BLAZE in the fire of Delight and Inspiration!!
Stop believing in your Dream .. KNOW you can do it!!!
Patrik Jungblom: A Dove Needs Two Wings to be Able to Fly
Everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side. This basic polarity is part of you whether you like it or not, whether you are a man or woman, boy or girl. Essentially, the masculine side comes from a place of strength. Strength is at the top end of the scale, whereas weakness is at the bottom end. In contrast, the feminine side comes from a place of goodness. Here, goodness is at the top end of the scale, whereas badness or evil is at the bottom end. You develop the strength of the masculine side by having a deep belief in the value of your own life, and you develop the goodness of the feminine side by having a deep belief in the value of the life of others. The balance between the masculine and feminine side is very important. If you have too much strength for the amount of goodness you have, you can really do a lot of harm to people. Conversely, if you have too much goodness for the amount of strength you have, then you can do harm to yourself, because you tend to "give it all away". On a more physical level, if you have a strong masculine side, you have the ability to take control of your own life, and if you have a strong feminine side, you have the ability to let go of trying to control the lives of others. A strong feminine side keeps you from interfering with the choices that others have the right to make for themselves. In terms of energy output, the masculine side always has energy available to put into accomplishing things, while the feminine side always has energy available for doing what is right or good. How developed one side is compared to the other defines the balance between the masculine and feminine sides. This balance not only determines how you treat others relative to yourself, but it also determines what types of emotions you feel most strongly. Why do some people have a stronger masculine side while others have a stronger feminine side? It depends to some extent on whether you are a man or a woman, because hormones do play a role, but it also depends a great deal on who you are as a Being. That is, both the masculine and feminine sides depend on what your Inner Self has learned to become.
Balance Requires Developing the Feminine Side:
For reasons of survival, liberation, business, and technology, most people have been able to develop the masculine side to a greater extent than the feminine. It may be that it is just easier to learn the lessons of the masculine side, but the result is that, as a species, we are left with a serious masculine/feminine imbalance. And it is a dangerous imbalance because it is a formula for destruction and hurting people. The time has come to develop the feminine side and achieve a greater balance in this area. It is time to recognize that the feminine side has value, and that its value lies in knowing and doing what is GOOD FOR PEOPLE.
It is time to recognize that it is good for people to give and help each other, because that creates less turmoil in the world. It is time to recognize that at this moment in our evolution, most people are here to learn to develop the feminine side, because that is what will give us balance. I did a test on myself on the internet, (I don't know how accurate these tests are), but did one just because it interests me. 64.62% You are a paradigm of balance between your Masculine and Feminine sides, which is what most people strive to be. Most of your aspects - tastes, habits, and style - reflect a certain equilibrium that makes you who you are. You can get along with a variety of personalities without totally clashing, because you understand and appreciate a little of both sides. It is what makes you who you are.
I do not claim to be better than anyone else on this planet, neither worse than anyone else on this planet. I do not know everything and I do not have all the answers. Everything is interpretations and you can't really compare interpretations in such of a way. My interpretation of this is that we need both "sides", both the feminine and the masculine, both "sides" are required in this Creation of Life. What we do not need is that one "side" dominates the other. Which obviously seems to be the case in this world of ours. We need to realize and understand that one "side" is not better than the other. Just like a dove needs two wings to be able to fly. A human being needs both brainhalf's to be in balance. Otherwise this reality of ours, this world of ours, this universe of ours, comes in inbalance and becomes a logical bomb.
Vivian Amis: Your True Life's Purpose
I received a vision in meditation:
Joy = God
Passion = Spirit
There was no explanation and I did not understand the meaning immediately. Then slowly, I understood. Seek your joy and you will find God. Follow your passion and you will find your individual expression of spirit. It all starts with being truthful to yourself.
How many of us work in jobs we don’t like? Stay in relationships that don’t work? Do things we don’t want? There is a saying that goes something like this: The definition of stress is: When your body says no and you do it anyway. You will never embrace God if you are not true to your feelings. Most people don’t change their lives. They fear change, the unknown. Yet, fear is not of God. Fear restricts you from living a happy and fulfilled life. God is joy. Joy contains light that illuminates your entire being and those that come in contact with you.
Your joy is your joy and no one else’s. What makes you happy may not make someone else happy. Don’t expect someone else to know what makes you happy, or even to make you happy. That is your responsibility. You cannot blame someone else for your unhappiness. Your joy might be fixing cars, helping others, creating something, fishing, politics, or being a mother. You can find and experience joy anywhere.
Let's think about joy for a minute. It is scientifically proven that those that live a joyful life live longer and are healthier. Which only makes sense, since God is joy : ) By living your joy, you let God govern your body. Your immune system is then stable and strong.
Imagine what joy can do in a relationship. Partners each living their joy would be more tolerant, less controlling, more giving and loving. If you live your joy, how easy is it to encourage others to seek their joy, whatever that may be. You being joyful are less attached to the outcome of someone else’s joy. Only someone that is not living his or her joy will act controlling, insecure and intolerant.
In relation to business and career, joy will help you go that extra mile to achieve a goal and help you stay focused until that goal is achieved.
The spiritual world taught me that there is actually a formula for success:
Joy + need = success
Once you have found your joy, share it with others. Anything, you put joy into will be recognized by others. They will recognize and feel drawn to the light your product or service entails. That is why your product, of the same quality, is chosen over another. That’s why people shop at your store even though there are other stores of the same kind. That’s why people come back to you for the service you provide. There is a need for your joy in this world. You are that missing link that combines us all.
Each one of us is unique and has something special to share with the rest of humanity. Even if you are doing something a lot of others are already doing, you still do it differently. More and more people want to start their own business. And that is good. We are all meant to be in business by ourselves and for ourselves. I believe everyone on earth will one day have his or her own business. It may happen for you in this lifetime or another.
But let’s consider those wanting to start a business. Statistics say that 80% of all new businesses fail within the first five years. Researchers say failure is due to timing, location, no business plan or running out of money. I truly believe all they are lacking is joyful intention. These people go into business for the wrong reasons. They seek money, fame, freedom, and so on, instead of seeking true expression of themselves. Worldly things are just a bonus and will be added as a result of finding true expression. Remember, seek first the kingdom of God, and then all things will be added onto you.
Many seek security in franchises. Some good franchises offer proven track records of success. But even if financial success sets in, what good is money if you are still unhappy because you don’t like your job, your health deteriorates, and/or your marriage breaks up? And if you are seeking freedom by starting your own franchise, I have to disappoint you--you will never find freedom in a franchise. You commit to follow “their” rules, which include opening hours, clothing, where to buy supply, what colors to use, what to sell, and so on. What you are buying into is someone else’s dream. Don’t you have your own?
Everything around you was once an idea. Ideas are first created in spirit.
Your ideas are tools to create wealth, health, and happiness in your life.
People receive ideas all the time. They may have prayed for a more fulfilled life, more abundance, or even better health, and their prayers were answered in the form of an idea. But ideas are dismissed all too often and too quickly because of a lack of faith. Faith is belief and action. Belief without action is an illusion, a dream. You have to trust the universe that “they” know what they doing. The idea came to you, not to anyone else. The spirit world believes in you, so you should too.
Ask your self: If time and money were no obstacles what would you be doing with your life?Go back to school? Start a new business? Go into politics? Help the needy? Start a hobby that has always interested you? What are you passionate about? What have you learned from your life’s experience that could benefit others? Help yourself by helping others
The ZenGarden: Opening Your Chakras
To open your chakras takes practice and time and patience because they will not just open in one day. It takes time. One of the processes that I found to work for me, which I will use in this how to article, is the opening flower technique. There are many other techniques. This is just one of them and it may not work for everyone. The seven chakras starting from the bottom to the top are the root, belly, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown.
Tip: Before you try to begin opening them it is best to get into a meditative state. The reason why I say this is so that you can concentrate and focus better. You can sit cross legged, lie down, or any other position that is comfortable as long as your spine is flat. Then breathe in and out slowly for bout fifteen minutes, relaxing your mind and muscles. When you achieve the state you can then proceed to start opening your chakras.
Step 1: Starting with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine, if you have security problems or self-esteem issues this will affect the chakra. The color of this chakra is red as it is associated with survival also. If you are not grounded then your root chakra may be closed. To be grounded is to be really here and present, and to be unshakeable. To open this chakra, put your hand either above or on where this chakra is located and just visualize a red flower that is closed. The visualize it slowly opening.
You may even, before you do that visualize a red light streaming into the chakra energizing it and then proceed to do the technique. This may or may not work for the first time, so do not force it open if it does not want to. You might not be ready yet and it can cause problems for you if you do. I would spend at least five minutes on each chakra before proceeding onto the next one.
Step 2: The sixth chakra which is the belly chakra is associated with being able to let things go and has a lot to do with expressing yourself. This chakra is below the belly button but above the root. The problems that come along with this chakra can arise from blame, guilt, money and power. If you keep blaming yourself for things that have happened in the past or feel guilt from a past happening, you will not be able to move on and you will be stuck, not able to freely live. For this chakra to open you must learn to let things go and not hold onto them because they will build up and block your belly or if you want, sacral chakra, to the point it might shut down. It’s color is orange, so for this one you can visualize an orange flower opening.
Sep 3: Next is the solar plexus, which is yellow and has to do with simple emotions instead of complex ones. This chakra is located just above your belly button but below your heart. You must learn to love yourself first before you can receive the love of others, which is why it is before the heart chakra, and why I started with the lower chakras first. Fear of rejection, image, and of secrets being found out by others can have an affect on this chakra. Not only that but so can having low self-esteem and being oversensitive. You have to be able to accept yourself for who you are and feel like you belong here or this chakra will not open. Use the same techniques as the other ones but this time visualized it as a yellow flower.
Step 4: Moving onto to the heart chakra this has to do with unconditional love, forgiveness, and trust. This chakra can either be pink or green and emotional situations can affect it, like a breaking up of a relationship. Your trust crumples and you hold onto the memory, never really getting over it. You may not even forgive the other person. Letting go of this means you can move onto other things. Do not let the problems of others bring you down, because this leads to a bleeding heart. You must be able to transcend your feelings for them. Imagine a green flower opening and feel love and warmth coming into your heart region.
Step 5: After that there is the throat chakra, which of course has to do with communication, dealing with speaking the truth and saying what you believe. Speak out when something is wrong, because when you do not and repress it, it can build up and lead to it bubbling over. Lying too can block the throat chakra because this chakra is all about trying to express ourselves truthfully. Issues with your throat can arise from decision making, faith, self expression, will. Creativity, and criticism. You must be able to speak the truth and accept truthfulness over deceit. So do not accept something you know to be wrong. The color of this chakra is blue so visualize a blue flower and watch it slowly open.
Step 6: Following the throat chakra is the brow chakra, which is on the center of your forehead. This chakra has to do with being able to see the big picture and also about using your intuition. When this chakra is open you are able to see the difference between reality and fantasy. You are able to put things into perspective and learn from your experiences. When this chakra is closed, it is a failure to separate the two and you can become delusional, making the chakra not able to function right. For example, when you have fear of the truth, this chakra can be affected because then you readily do not accept it and thus becoming delusional. For you to be able to open this chakra you must have an open mind , and understanding, and know the difference between what is real and what is not. The color of this chakra is Indigo and you can visualize an indigo flower opening. Sometimes people visualize an eye that is closed and then visualize it opening. Others may envision a key and see the chakra as a door, and use the key to unlock it. If this does open up for you may experience seeing things and energy if you are not ready for this then do not try it.
Step 7: Lastly there is the crown chakra, which can be seen as violet or white, and it is located on the top of your head. This chakra can be opened when you are able to awaken yourself spiritually, and are able to connect to the God source. Feeling as though you have no purpose or identity in life could mean that you have an issue with this chakra. As can being spiritually depressed affect it. To open this chakra you can either imagine a violet or white flower opening.
Opening the chakras in the end will benefit you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I started with the lower ones because the higher ones are harder to open and need the support of the lower ones to become stable and balanced. You also have to learn the lesson for each one before moving onto the next, because they are all connected to each other, like the solar plexus and the heart chakra. I hope that this technique will help others who wish to open their chakras ad gain a healthier perspective on life and themselves.
Karen de Grenier: Using your Imagination
Today is just another day, but could it be more? What if you decided that today was going to be a special day? What would you do? The possibilities are endless. Your only limitation is your imagination. Is your imagination free or do you keep it chained to an earthly reality? What if you let your imagination soar to new and different places?
Try this exercise: You are on a planet that is warm and you are walking along a beach looking at the five moons in the sky, each a different pastel color. As you walk you encounter the inhabitants of this planet. Now visualize these people, how do they communicate with you, how do they live. Be fanciful in your ideas. You are not on Earth anymore.
Did you find it difficult to really let go and imagine freely? If so, you need to practice imagining things that are far removed from your day-to-day reality. “Why?” you may ask, because without a well-developed imagination your ability to create is weakened. It is the imagination that provides the spark for creation.
We came to Earth so that we would have the ability to use our powers of creation in the physical realm. Creation is the spirit of who and what we are. So often we are not aware of our creations on a daily basis, but we do in fact create throughout the day. If we become aware of each and everything we create during the day, including our attitude and how we interact with others, we would recognize the opportunities that are available to us each day.
If you try to make the mundane into a game of “how can I be more creative when I do this?” you are taking the opportunity to challenge your brain to think differently. Over time this helps to condition your mind to look for alternatives rather than simply doing or reacting as you routinely do. This accompanied with devoted imagination time will unlock your innate powers of creation. Imagination is the tool that sets you free to explore all that is and can be.
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