miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2015

“every mouth you’ve ever kissed
was just practice
all the bodies you’ve ever undressed
and ploughed in to
were preparing you for me.
i don’t mind tasting them in the
memory of your mouth
they were a long hall way
a door half open
a single suit case still on the conveyor belt
was it a long journey?
did it take you long to find me?
you’re here now,
welcome home.”  Warsan Shire

I am lover of words…I am wickedly drunk with the magic of words…the poetic nature whispers through and to my very heart and soul. Dancing with such an intoxicating fever that I can’t deny they move me like music of the stars, shining in the night skies.

Seduce me not with false promises and leading questions twisting the mystic of words. Linger with me as the taste of sweet wine tingles on our tongues, dancing the essences of the charm of this moment’s breath.

Captivate me with tender words like the sweeping motion of the ocean, the breeze whipping me to frenzy. Quench my thirst with the subtleties of reason and passions divine.

Touch me tender, lingering in look and stands of the quality of the statements. I dive in with light stepping elegance… devoid of expectation yet inquisitive mind be bright for the moment.

Taste the motion of the waves of sensuality broken down with syllables and rhythms, pulling into the current and washing me down with the stringing truth of the rawness of my soul.

That unnerving raw powerful expression…cutting through the layers and levels of illusions and delusions of the mind, bring to the surface that nuances of intentions…devotion realized.
The heart pounds with the releasing energies of doubtful uncertainties into the trust and truth revealed. Born into the reverent hangover of bliss clinging to this moment’s expression…open and raw, ripping off the mask with that passionate exchange of emotions and song.

This dance continues on ..
By Genevieve DuBois

I like when a woman...
I like when a woman droops in embrace,
When overhangs the shoulders in a lustful sag,
When her eyes veiled by a gauzy haze, face is growing white,
And her moisten lips mechanically part aside.

I like when the clutches of lust and bliss make her numb,
When her trembling fingers are buried in my arm,
When her short and broken breaths are quickly drawn out
And when she yields herself with a fainting smile.

And I like this shame, which forbids to admit
That she's taken over by a blissful fit
And raving for desire is dazzling her mad,
When she's searching the lips, yet frets to look, frets to speak.

I like it, and I also like the moment, when near by
She lies senseless, exhausted and wearied by my side,
And my winged thoughts already starting on a flight
Into the infinite spaces of unearthly world depart. - Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer

“But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.”  Pablo Neruda


A bustling metropolis of life,
signs and lights everywhere,
desires and temptations
taunting you to lose focus.
To stay asleep,
like worms eating away at your mind,
slowly numbing you,
through the pains of surrendering,
to the desires of others stuck
in the web of lies.
Who you are and what you have is not enough,
the whispers of reinforcement are subtle and vast.
So I beg of you, consume.
Until you can see that you are the one being consumed.
Empty yourself to the emptiness of this physical world.
Purge until there is nothing left.
Nothing other than the clean slate of surrender,
a surrender of a different calling,
a surrender to the quiet place
that lies waiting inside you
for your inevitable return.
Welcome home my dear.
Welcome Home my love.
Remember what it was like to be happy,
to just be alive,
to love yourself for who you are.
In that quiet place, the city lights fade.
The lights that hold us back from seeing
the true beauty of the stars,
and the magnificent vast
open sky of our existence.
The heavens become visible in their entirety.
Once the reflections of the metropolis
lose their luster,
and we walk out into the country,
just be.
See it all clearly,
and explore the final frontier.
Get to know yourself,
maybe for the first time,
find the love that was
concealed and perverted,
and allow it to manifest,
take you into the unknown.
Let yourself become love,
and then it spreads through
communion with ease,
it travels through your fingertips
into everything you touch.
Allow yourself to shine the light of spirit,
that is irresistible and impossible to deny.
Be together in love with the beloved all around you.
They will join when ready.
Keep dancing your dance.
The universe beats in your heart. - Bryan Tramontana Photo by Gregory Colbert

You want motherf*cking poetry?
Yeah you want poetry but you are too afraid to live it
Fucking live it as if your very life depended on it
Which of course
It does…
It does
So put down this poem and pick up your heart and hold it in your hands and go to your window and kick it open and set your heart free
Free to live
Free to finally live
Do it now
Do it now before that thing in your skull which you think is your friend tells you to stop being so
Do it now before your life flies away
Flies into
small talk
even smaller thoughts
Do it now!
Before it’s too late
Before this poem ceases to be a poem
and your life no longer is yours
Just do it please
Do it for me
Do it for us
Because this rodeo may only last eight seconds tops
Make it fucking count
Stop that chirping
That chatter
That goddamn logic and
Go dance on the ledge of your life
Go and love on the cusp of death
Go and throw yourself off the cliffs of your morality
Go and fucking drive into the wall of your sin and
Crash onto the shore of everything you’ve ever known but have been too afraid to find out
Go and finally
Wickedly be all of the poetry that has existed in you since the Universe exploded into being and fell into space
Go and be all you can be and please sing
Sing for me
Sing for the messenger who was killed
Killed in the deliverance of our love
Killed out of necessity
Killed out of sacrificial rite of passage from the ordinary into the all-inary
But never weep
Unless those tears hold the pearls of joy and gratitude for our stars
Our stars colliding
Colliding and exploding into all that has ever been and that all of who and what we are will go into all we could have been and that contains all that will ever be
So that we may rest
Finally rest
In the knowing that God truly exists and
He was hiding inside
Inside us this whole time
and we finally
finally set her free by
crushing our shells and
stripping away our protective layer of societal duties
to know that She has been us all along
and the egg and the chicken never did come first but for the fact we made it so by being so
so run now
Run to the rooftop of your soul and scream this word
Scream it from the top of your God
and stop reading this goddamn poem and go and live your poem out loud
Live it so loud that I must halt my pen from moving across this page and smile
Smile because finally I know
I know that God is alive
Dancing - Steven R. O'Brien

"When the room is dark a lamp is necessary to illumine and eyes to cognise objects. But when the sun has risen there is no need of a lamp to see objects. To see the sun no lamp is necessary, it is enough that you turn your eyes towards the self-luminous sun.

Similarly with the mind. To see objects the reflected light of the mind is necessary. To see the Heart it is enough that the mind is turned towards it. Then the mind loses itself and the Heart shines forth." ~ Ramana Maharshi

The Law of Equilibrium states that when we are faced with challenges and those things that awaken the negative patterns of our personality, we can hold space for a shift by maintaining an energetic balance within our mind and body. This allows our feeling center to shift (in the heart) and heal the pattern. This is not exactly comfortable at first, but if we really trust and hold the space, the shift comes. It always comes. Equilibrium allows the light of the Sun to shine through and reorganize the pattern.

We don't have to be perfect. All we have to do is hold the space by allowing the situation to unfold while observing and staying calm in our breath. The intelligence of the soul takes over when we choose to do this. This is nothing more than our own enlightened Understanding of the flow of Life. This understanding unlocks the Infinite power of Love.  ~ Shannon Port l Artist: Wang Yi Guang

Artist ~ Gilbert Williams
" Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less travelled by" - Robert Frost.

Then Laugh
Build for yourself a strong box,
fashion each part with care;
When it’s strong as your hand can make it,
put all your troubles there;
Hide there all thought of your failures;
and each bitter cup that you quaff;
Lock all your heartaches within it,
Then sit on the lid and laugh.
Tell no one else its contents,
Never its secrets share;
When you’ve dropped in your care and worry
keep them forever there;
Hide them from sight so completely
That the world will never dream half;
Fasten the strongbox securely—
Then dance on the lid and laugh.~Bertha Adams Backus
Artist~Aimee Stewart Cares will Flutter Away
“Yes: I am a dreamer.
For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn
before the rest of the world.” ~Oscar Wilde Artist Kinuko Y. Craft

 “I want to think again of dangerous and noble things.
I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings.” ~Mary Oliver
Image ~ Fog and Sunlight by Miki Asai